Re: Review. Comment - Section 2.1 canonical query form

Steve Harris wrote:
> v 1.379
> Section 2.1
> Query:
> SELECT ?title
> WHERE  { <> <> ?title }
> Is this the canonical form for this query? I would have expected there to
> be a trailing dot:

There isn't a canonical form of a query as such although I agree it would be 
better with the dot to be as like the data as possible.  Added.

> SELECT ?title
> WHERE  { <> <> ?title . }
> Very minor issue, but its the first query in the document, so it seems
> important. Also the text overflows the boxes on my systems (firefox on osx
> and linux) at my normal bowrser width.

Chnaged to:

SELECT ?title
   <> <> ?title .

(email may mess that up)

which uses less width.  I prefer not to split the triple.  And we haven't got to 
prefixed named yet.

> - Steve

Received on Monday, 13 June 2005 12:37:57 UTC