separate bindings and graph operations wsdlAbstractProtocol


ACTION: DanC to try splitting SparqlQuery interface into SparqlGraph

thinking over the interoperability/conformance implications of
a separate interface, I think I'll just try a separate operation.
This has no impact on the HTTP level protocol, by the way.

w.r.t. 1.51 2005/06/06 18:35:00 of

| It contains one operation, query, which is used to convey a SPARQL query — including 
| a SPARQL query string and an RDF dataset — and a query result between
| clients (requesters) and services (responders).


It contains two operation, queryBindings and queryGraph, which are used to
convey SPARQL queries — including SPARQL query strings and RDF datasets — and
query results between clients (requesters) and services (responders).
The queryBindings operation carries SPARQL query with a result form of
SELECT or ASK and returns a set of bindings or a boolean result. The
queryGraph operation carries a SPARQL query with a result form of CONSTRUCT
or DESCRBIBE and returns an RDF graph.


|This interface and its operation are described...


This interface and its operations are described in the
following WSDL 2.0 fragment (from sparql-protocol-query.wsdl):

<interface name="SparqlQuery" styleDefault="">
   <operation name="queryBindings" pattern="" safe="true">
     <documentation>The operation is used to convey SELECT and ASK queries and their
                    results in binding form.</documentation>
     <input messageLabel="In" element="st:query"></input>
     <output messageLabel="Out" element="vbr:sparql"></output>
   <operation name="queryGraph" pattern="" safe="true">
     <documentation>The operation is used to convey CONSTRUCT and DESCRIBE queries
                    and their result in graph form.</documentation>
     <input messageLabel="In" element="st:query"></input>
     <output messageLabel="Out" element="rdf:RDF"></output>

(is it safe or safety?)

section b. query Out Message becomes...

b. query Out Message

The Out Message of SparqlQuery's queryBindings operation carries
an instance of the SPARQL Variable Binding Results XML Format [VBR].
The Out Message of SparqlQuery's queryGraph operation carries
an instance of the RDF/XML syntax [RDF-Syntax] or an equivalent

Hmm... I wonder what "an equivalent serialization" means in the WSDL
world, but I guess that is the protocol we're specifying.

The query-result type can go away.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Tuesday, 7 June 2005 13:03:38 UTC