construct starting to feel like a separate interface

I'm working on , playing with various
services out there; one of the options is...

    elif '--sparqlette' in sys.argv:
        svcAddr =

i.e. I'm trying to look at the SPARQL interface as something
that doesn't have a format= param, but sparqlette has
a format param, so I'm trying to "hide" it in the service

That works for SELECT and ASK, but not for CONSTRUCT.

I'm starting to wonder if ?query=... should be
separated into ?select=... and ?construct=... or

And the special-case for ASK in the results format
feels wierd. I'd rather use the degenerate form of
the general case: zero results for false, and
one result with zero bindings for true. But I guess
we're decided on that (indeed... )
and I don't have much in the way of new information.

Just thinking out loud.

for ref...
1.5 now

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Friday, 6 May 2005 18:05:57 UTC