Re: separator/terminator ;

This feature can be done but it may have consequences:

Example: Turtle:

triples  ::=  subject ws+ predicateObjectList
predicateObjectList ::= verb ws+ objectList ( ws* ';' ws* verb ws+ objectList )* 
(ws* ';')?


:x :p :v ; :q :w :z .

is legal as triples

:x :p :v .
:q :w :z .

because a triple can be "x y z ;"

To help establish a baseline, could you let me know what's the official, 
definitive grammar for N3?  Is it the N3 version or one of the Python parsers?

Hmm - there are whitespace differences as well.



is legal N3 (according to cwm) but not Turtle because there is no WS after the 
subject and no trailing dot for the triple.

What would be most useful is a principle for resolving these rather than a case 
by case basis.


Dan Connolly wrote:
> sparqler ( )seems to like
> {
>   [ rdf:subject ?work;
>     rdf:predicate sam:isAbout;
>     rdf:object ?topic
>   ] dc:creator ?who
> }
> but not with a trailing semi
> {
>   [ rdf:subject ?work;
>     rdf:predicate sam:isAbout;
>     rdf:object ?topic;
>   ] dc:creator ?who
> }
> When working on an N3 grammar, I was stumped for a while
> trying to allow this. I think I eventually made a separate
> token for "; followed by ]" as distinct from ;.
> I haven't checked the SPARQL grammar yet, but I think
> this should be allowed.

Received on Monday, 11 April 2005 10:55:01 UTC