11th hour datatype testing proposal

I expect to do some worksmithing to clarify the semantics of types
derived from decimal near [[

XML Schema [] defines a set of types derived from decimal: integer,
nonPositiveInteger, negativeInteger, long, int, short, byte,
nonNegativeInteger, unsignedLong, unsignedInt, unsignedShort,
unsignedByte and positiveInteger. These are all treated as decimals
for computing effective boolean values.

Other than that, I think that section 11 is reasonably implementable
and somewhat readable. Howard has given it a brief sanity check and
supplemented my understanding of how XQuery does numeric comparison.

I have a few relevent tests to help the WG decide if this is a good
idea (vs. the more computationlly intensive and scarier space of
numbers being equivilent in the FILTER when they weren't in the
graph match).

whether different datatypes restricted from decimal have the same
value (I said "no"):

whether known datatypes restricted from decimal can be cast to an
equivalent values (I said "yes"):

whether non-0 datatypes restricted from decimal have an ebv of true.
(I said "yes"):

whether uncastables yield an error. (I said "yes"):

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Received on Tuesday, 5 April 2005 11:37:42 UTC