Re: Small items for SPARQL

Dan Connolly wrote:
> On Fri, 2004-12-17 at 17:56 +0000, Seaborne, Andy wrote:
>>1/ Character sets
>>I propose SPARQL queries use UTF-8
> SPARQL queries are sequences of characters; how they're
> encoded is a protocol issue, right?

Yes, noting that Content-Type does not apply to the request URI.  And RFC 
2396 is a bit vague on the matter as to the charset of what is being encoded.

Literals can contain any character from UTF and there is no distinguishing 
markers.  I think this means we have to choose one.

As currently stated, the SPARQL query language syntax uses XML 1.1 qnames 
which includes a wide range of characters in UTF.

What does IRI say?  Any suggestions from that direction?

> i.e. under the "chair expects editor to respond to each
> proposal to change that editor's spec; others in the
> WG are welcome to advise; chair steps in if consensus
> does not emerge" sort of game, I'm watching for Kendall's response.
>>This allows multi (natural) language queries.
>>HTTP GET will have to encoded as usual - we do need to decide the string being
>>In HTTP POST, Content-Type applies to the entity body.
>>A request sent by HTTP POST may use Content-Type to change the charset.
>>Experiences with declaring the charset in the content show
>>this to be very error prone:
>>       a/ it may disagree with the HTTP header
>>       b/ once opened in one fashion, say the default platform charset,
>>          it can be hard to reopen in another fashion: the underlying
>>          stream maybe buffered.
>>Aside: as the syntax currently stands (a keyword must be first), it is possible
>>to snoop and tell the difference between UTF-8 and UTF-16.
>>2/ We will need a URI for SPARQL
> I'm not so sure.
> My implementation experience suggests we choose
> a URI for the relationship between
> a KB and a SPARQL query for that KB.

In Joseki, there is a URI for the language and this is associated with a 
KB/service by a property.  This fits with the "query-lang=" parameter but if 
you wish to define that as the relationship between SPARQL and any KB then fine.

Which ever, "SPARQL" is a concept so we should give it a URI so people can 
reference it anyway.

>>(We might want to allow for future revisions but I assume a new WG would have a 
>>new URI itself so versioning isn't needed here).
>>3/ Relative URIs
>>Queries would need a base URI to resolve any relative URIs.
> would... subjunctive... 
> is this an issue in the current draft?
> I can't tell from the grammar...
>   $Revision: 1.160 $ of $Date: 2004/12/17 18:16:17 $
> I suggest uriRef as the terminal name, if relative URI references
> are, by intent, allowed.
> Hmm... we don't currently specify how the syntactic productions
> relate to the formal definitions, do we?
>>We can either say "no relative URIs" (that might makes the tests harder if we 
>>follow the style of the manifests in using relative URIs).
>>For the protocol, "query-uri=" is a natural default base but there isn't a 
>>natural one in all situations like local queries from a program or one sent as 
>>plain "query="
>>I suggest a BASE clause in the QL that must be before PREFIXes.  It takes a 
>>single, <> quoted URI. It is not required in every query.
> Seems reasonable.
>>	Andy

Received on Friday, 17 December 2004 20:40:01 UTC