alternative result format using collections - avoid use/mention issues

| ACTION Jos: Write email about alternative result format using
| collections - avoid use/mention issues

I'll give an example
in N3 the query looks like

[] q:select {<> q:answer (?name ?mbox)};
   q:where  {?x foaf:name ?name. ?x foaf:mbox ?mbox}.

and the answers then look like

<above-query-uri> q:answer ("Johnny Lee Outlaw" 
<above-query-uri> q:answer ("Peter Goodguy" <>). 

This use of RDF lists is very similar to use of it in OWL, e.g.
:C owl:intersectionOf (:A :B).

Jos De Roo, AGFA

Received on Monday, 6 December 2004 23:12:12 UTC