Updated DAWG variable binding results XML format

I've updated the result formats I did 2004-09-28 described in
to add a <variables> header describing the variable names
as well as a form for returning blank nodes.

In addition to those changes I wrote XQuery scripts for reading the
two XML result formats and generating HTML tables with the bindings.
This was pretty straightforward for both formats and I don't see that
this gives a strong indication of a the choice between the two
formats - schemaless or with schema.

I still prefer the <foo>bar</foo> form as easier on the eyes than
<var name="foo">bar</foo>.  It's un-necessarily larger.  Depends
on how important schema validation is, I guess.

So, attached to this message are the files:

SPARQL query example.rq over Turtle data file data.n3

giving results formats:

1) XML file result1.xml and XQuery script result1-to-html.xq

2) XML file result2.xml and XQuery script result2-to-html.xq
   along with RelaxNG schemas result2.rnc, result2.rng and
   WXS schema result2.xsd


Received on Friday, 26 November 2004 15:47:53 UTC