- From: Simon Raboczi <raboczi@tucanatech.com>
- Date: Mon, 22 Nov 2004 00:29:45 +1000
- To: public-rdf-dawg@w3.org
As usual, the scribe apologizes contritely for the lateness of these minutes. RDF Data Access Working Group: http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/ Tuesday 2004-11-16 9:30am-11:30am/14:30-16:30 UTC supplementary IRC chat log: http://www.w3.org/2004/11/16-dawg-irc 1. Convene, take roll, review agenda chair: Eric Prud'hommeaux scribe: Simon Rabocze regrets: Kendall Clark attending: Tom Adams Dave Beckett Dan Connolly (IRC only) Jos De Roo Steve Harris Pat Hayes Howard Katz Eric Prud'hommeaux Simon Raboczi Alberto Reggiori Janne Saarela Andy Seaborne RESOLVED without opposition to accept as a true record: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0264.html as amended by http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0267.html http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0289.html ACTION DanC: owner of issue 'yes or no questions' (pending protocol doc) CONTINUED without discussion ACTION AlbertoR: owns issue 'DESCRIBE' CONTINUED without discussion ACTION: SteveH is willing to adapt his testing infrastructure to generate input/output RDF/XML and typed nodes into manifest file CONTINUED without discussion ACTION EricP: find logistics re F2F5 at tech plenary in Boston March 28 Feb - 4 Mar CONTINUED without discussion ACTION DanC: notify SemWeb CG of EbXML possible sync point in April CONTINUED without discussion 2. FTF 4 19-20 January 2005 Espoo, Finland (Hosted by Profium) http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0211.html dress warmly! ACTION DanC: Make a dawg f2f4 registration form DONE: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0268.html Only 3 or 4 people have registered so far. Everyone should register! Janne tempts visitors with the first snow of the season in delightful Finland. Eric asks Janne whether there are any logistics issues, to which Janne replies that this would be better to defer until next week, when more attendence results are in. 3. Protocol Protocol draft: http://monkeyfist.com/kendall/sparql-protocol/ The chair suggested that without Kendall (the author and editor of the protocol document) we'll defer discussing protocol. ACTION KendallC: expose our walking tour data to SPARQL querying clients CONTINUED: ETA before F2F4 ACTION TomA: read the protocol draft [protocol] and email a review to the WG before the next telcon 2004-11-09 CONTINUED without discussion, as TomA wasn't on the phone at the time the agendum was raised ACTION JanneS: read the protocol draft [protocol] and email a review to the WG before the next telcon 2004-11-09 DONE: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0293.html 4. SPARQL SOURCE Issue Any more discussion of http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0241.html ? ACTION JanneS: review http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0256.html and check what happens when no source support is implemented CONTINUED Janne's preliminary impression is that it may be safe to just omit the binding if SOURCE is not available. DaveB suggests that either an error should be returned or that we need to permit two sets of test results, one for systems that support SOURCE and another for those that don't. AndyS worries that a variables will behave differently when appearing in a SOURCE clause than when it appears elsewhere. PatH refers to TAG recommending hard failure for features that aren't supported. Eric notes that XML is an example of a spec in which mandating hard failures seems to have been helpful. ACTION DaveB: update the dawg test repository to record or amend tests to correspond to the http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0241.html proposal CONTINUED Both AndyS and JosD were uncertain about what exactly the NAMED syntax was achieving in message 241. Following the naming discussion TomA took an ACTION to forward a summary of internal discussion at Tucana on the topic of URIs for graphs. These minutes are late enough that this has already been DONE: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0319.html AndyS will attempt to incorporate DaveB's work into the SPARQL query document, while Dave is busy. ACTION DanC: suggest formal definitions for SOURCE CONTINUED 5. SPARQL Disjunction issue ACTION SimonR: explain how much of disjuction can be done with optionals, nested or otherwise. Point to references, problems with LEFT OUTER JOIN in the literature. Related: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0294.html DONE: SimonR was of the opinion that his counterexample of http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0296.html demonstrated that disjunction couldn't generally be replaced by outer join, but that disjunction of triple pattern constraints could always be replaced by disjunction in a value constraints. 6. SPARQL update, issues See http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/ ACTION EricP: supply definitions for SELECT (vars ordered or not?) ala http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/0151.html WITHDRAW http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ thread.html#265 and look for "Definition: Projection" in http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/DataAccess/rq23/#select The question is whether the order of the variables in the SELECT clause should specify the order of the variables in the result set. AlbertoR pointed out that requiring order would mean than any RDF/XML-based serialization of results would require containers or collections. For: column order was expected behavior based on existing APIs in (e.g.) perl, php, JDBC Against: column ordering is unnecessary, and unnecessary constraints are to be avoided No resolution reached. ACTION: AndyS to write a test cases which use ? and $ in the same query DONE: http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0289.html DanC asked for somebody else to help on reading and responding to the comments list. ACTION: Tom Adams volunteered and got the job to read the list, respond and pass on things to/from the WG and the comments list. [ ACTION interpreted from http://lists.w3.org/Archives/Public/public-rdf-dawg/2004OctDec/ 0264.html ] TomA thanked AndyS for handling some of this while he'd been busy, and stated that he was now indeed able to undertake the task. ADJOURNED at 15:40Z Next meeting: Tuesday 2004-11-23 at 14:30 UTC, chair: EricP scribe: AndyS regrets: AlbertoR for 23 Nov (pending travel) DanC for 23 Nov, 30 Nov DaveB for 23 Nov, 30 Nov HowardK for 23 Nov, 30 Nov TomA for 23 Nov Tune in next time for: - Enough F2F4 registrations to discuss logistics - Deferred discussion of protocol
Received on Sunday, 21 November 2004 14:30:33 UTC