Re: test cases for SPARQL CONSTRUCT wrote:
> making use of the excellent service at
> I asked
> 1/
> PREFIX dc:      <>
> PREFIX owl:     <>
> PREFIX rdf:     <>
> CONSTRUCT ($book rdf:type owl:Nothing) WHERE ($book dc:title $title)

Great! (sigh of relief that it worked - the log file has a warning abount the 
unbound variables.

> and got result graph
> @prefix dc:      <> .
> @prefix rdf:     <> .
> @prefix owl:     <> .
> <>
>       a       owl:Nothing .
> <>
>       a       owl:Nothing .
> <>
>       a       owl:Nothing .
> <>
>       a       owl:Nothing .
> <>
>       a       owl:Nothing .
> which is inconsistent and that is because the query
> (when seen as rule) is inconsistent.

There isn't an OWL processor behind the data so you only get the RDF-isms.

> 2/
> PREFIX dc:      <>
> PREFIX owl:     <>
> PREFIX rdf:     <>
> CONSTRUCT ($book dc:title $test) WHERE ($book dc:title $title)
> and got empty result graph

Yes - I made the arbitrary-at-the-time decision that unbound variables are an 
error.  The code isn't fixed - may it should stop the whole substitution for 
that query solution and and I think I only stop the triple.

Tries ...

PREFIX dc:      <>
PREFIX owl:     <>
PREFIX rdf:     <>
PREFIX :        <>
CONSTRUCT ($book dc:title $test) ($book rdf:type :book)
WHERE ($book dc:title $title)

and gets ...

@prefix dc:      <> .
@prefix rdf:     <> .
@prefix :        <> .
@prefix owl:     <> .

       a       :book .

       a       :book .

       a       :book .

       a       :book .

       a       :book .

Yep - I'll do whatever the WG decides.

> My implementation actually returns
> :Paper :authorName ?test.
> which is because we made it so to return
> substitution results (constructed as RDF graph)
> for unbound variables (e.g. in the case of OR

That would require returning query variables which can't be expressed in RDF (or 
we have to have a DAWG-convention) but I see nothing to stop that being done at 
the practical level.  I look for guidance on the theoretical level.

> But I can understand the returning of the empty graph
> as it is according to my understanding that the proof
> result atoms should be in the Herbrand base of the
> query formula.
> (Herbrand Base is the set of all ground atoms that can
> be formed from predicate symbols from a clause in Skolemized
> form S and terms from the Herbrand universe H of S.
> Herbrand universe of S is the set of all closed terms
> constructed from the constant and function symbols of S)

That would suggest that my test case should create the (?book rdf:type :book) 
triples even when ?test is unbound - have I got this right?


Received on Thursday, 11 November 2004 15:31:30 UTC