ws-policy use caes

On Mon, Nov 01, 2004 at 08:24:41AM -0600, Dan Connolly wrote:
> ACTION: Eric to ask Kendall to put X509 policy use case into UC&R

I described a ws-policy use case at the last meeting and volunteered
to relay it to you. The scenario comes from my position paper [1] for
the Constraints and Capabilities Workshop.

  My dream bank allows me to conduct transactions via a web service
  interface. To prevent fraud, the messages to this service must be
  authenticated by a trusted mechanism, either X509 or Kerberose.

  My messages to the bank must be signed by either of these
  mechanisms. These signatures get reflected to the application as
  triples in an RDF graph.

    @prefix rdf: <>.
    @prefix wsse: <>.
    <http://bucks.example/mesg#1234 rdf:type wsse:SecurityToken;
                               wsse:tokenType wsse:Kerberosv5TGT.

    @prefix rdf: <>.
    @prefix wsse: <>.
    <http://bucks.example/mesg#1234 rdf:type wsse:SecurityToken;
                               wsse:tokenType wsse:X509v3.

  The service expresses and enforces these constraints with a query
  that runs over that RDF graph. This conveniently communicates the
  constraints in a language that is human-comprehensible, machine-
  comprehensible, and testable by all parties.


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Received on Tuesday, 2 November 2004 13:26:41 UTC