service name distinct from resource name

This is to claim completion on:

ACTION EricP: follow up on " if we send a queyr to the document rather
              than service, we loose some of the document
              compositibility possibilities" in email.

We could have a protocol where queries were sent to resources. The
most strait-forward way to do this is to append the resource name with
a query string, ala. \
  SELECT ?action \
  WHERE ?agent k:nameOfAgent "ericP" .
        ?action sumo:agent ?agent .
        ?action k:nameString ?action

This would give me my action items and be pretty simple to implemnt
with an apache rewrite rule. A minor downside would be that everyone
resources called ...?query=... would make life a little complicated.
We would also be married to having a query work over only one
resource. That resource could be an aggregation of others, but those
would have to be defined exhaustively (n! total resources for n
sources), or we'd have to look into URIs a lot deeper than we
currently like to.

Another approach is to be a bit more verbose and have separate URIs
for the service and the resource, ala \
  SELECT ?action \
  FROM <>, 
  WHERE ?agent k:nameOfAgent "ericP" .
        ?action sumo:agent ?agent .
        ?action k:nameString ?action .
  OPTIONAL ?claim cma:action ?action .
           ?claim cma:status ?status
  AND ?status != "completion"
to give all the actions I don't claim to have completed.

This relies on separate name for the service and the resources. My
agent could have done the unification itself when I wrote the above
query; It would simply have had to go to the resources and asked for
  SELECT ?p ?o WHERE ?p k:nameOfAgent ?o
  SELECT ?p ?o WHERE ?p sumo:agent ?o
  SELECT ?p ?o WHERE ?p k:nameString ?o
  SELECT ?p ?o WHERE ?p cma:action ?o
  SELECT ?p ?o WHERE ?p cma:status ?o
from both of them (assuming that it doesn't know which resource
is likely to have which statements). Moving the unificaiton up to
the server will often reduce network traffic, and will sometimes
take advantage of clever tools that can more efficiently merge
the f2t3-minutes with the cma data.

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Received on Monday, 27 September 2004 13:22:29 UTC