how cwm does quoting rather than rdf:subject/predicate/object

re "ACTION DanC: point to cwm reification/quoting tests"

The Release 0.8 entry in the cwm changelog says:

Reification support
Reification, after being broken for almost a year, has been rewritten
and is better than ever. The options, as always, are --reify and
--dereify. The tests for this are now in. There is insufficient
documentation for this feature, and it has not been completely tested,
so there may yet be bugs in it. If there is demand for it, fixing the
--flatten feature should be possible now.


In particular, the tests are described in:

This isn't written up very well; anybody who wants to know more,
please ask in .

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Friday, 27 August 2004 16:15:40 UTC