Use case: federatedAnnotFoaf (and a bit about queries in RDF)

On Mon, Mar 22, 2004 at 11:38:33AM +0200, Patrick Stickler wrote:
> (a) expressing queries and query results in RDF

Expressing queries in RDF:

In LiteralDB+OWL, (a new name for PS-6 in deference to DanC's naming
comments), you described a scenario where a server could use
owl:sameAs, rdfs:subPropertyOf, owl:<class constraints> to manipulate
the graph of an RDF query *because* it was expressed in RDF. To my
eye, this treads on dangerous territory -- expressing the query as a
simple graph results in it being an answer to the question, eg

  <rdf:Description rdf:about="#who">
    <pim:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
    <foaf:firstName rdf:resource="#first"/>
    <foaf:surname rdf:resource="#last"/>

could express:
       ?who pim:mbox <>.
       ?who foaf:firstName ?first.
       ?who foaf:surname ?last.

If the RDF form of the query were encountered by something other than
the query agent, it would assert:

       <http:...query5#who> pim:mbox <>.
       <http:...query5#who> foaf:firstName <http:...query5#first>.
       <http:...query5#who> foaf:surname <http:...query5#last>.

which would give back the rather unsatisfactory bindings:
       ?who:   <http:...query5#who>
       ?first: <http:...query5#first>
       ?last:  <http:...query5#last>

By what mechanism could this happen? Maybe queries are stored in a
queue. A triple store compulsively scoops up stuff in the queue and
writes it down. A query engine pops off the queue that look like
queries. It finds this query, asks a lot of resources, ends of getting
back an answer from the compulsive scooper.

The assertions in that RDF form of the query are not actually
assertions. But they look like assertions so we'd have to keep them
insulated from the RDF world all their life. (For those notstalgic
about historical spam, "Poor little graph31825 can't leave his
bubble. Please send postcards...") While it may be handy to use OWL
and RDFS inferencing tools, to manipulate RDF-like forms of this
query, I think the risk of graph "assertions" like this is very high.

An alternative would be to reify the query, but then you'd be trying
to apply rdfs:subPropertyOf to the object of an arc. eg
    <rdf:Description rdf:about="">
      <rdfs:subPropertyOf rdf:about=""/>
won't apply to
      <rdfs:predicate rdf:resource=""/>
      <rdfs:subject rdf:resource="#who"/>
      <rdfs:object rdf:resource=""/>
and won't help you match the instance data:
      <pim:mbox rdf:resource=""/>
Therefor, you wouldn't be able to directly use existing RDF tools.

You could de-reifiy the query in a closed and controlled way (so's no
"assertions" leaked out and polluted the world of facts) and then
apply the owl reasoner, but you may as well* parse the query from RDQL
or whatever language.

* "may as well" will of course be subject to dispute.

Expressing results in RDF:

It is not necessary that RDF query results be expressed as statements
for query federation.  Let's look at a fairly flushed out federation

Client query: the name and email addrs of everyone who has created Annotea

    ?annot dc:created     ?when
    ?annot dc:creator     ?who
    ?who   a:Email        ?email
    ?who   foaf:givenName ?first
    ?who   foaf:surname   ?last

We send this query to and it break the query
up into the pieces that it knows there is an agent to handle. It sends

ask(?annot dc:created     ?when
    ?annot dc:creator     ?who
    ?who   a:Email        ?email)
collect (?email ?when)

to the Annotea server. The server gives back a list of email addres
and dates those accounts created annotations. (Annotea account names
are email addresses.) Let's assume first entry in this list is .

The query federator knows that a:Email and foaf:mbox have ranges of
the same data type (may 'cause one is a subPropertyOf the other) and
knows (maybe some heuristic based on a service advertisement) that a
foaf server is more likely to know foaf:mbox.

For each of the email addresses that came back from the Annotea
server, the unifier composes a new query that it sends to a foaf

    ?who   a:Email        <>
    ?who   foaf:givenName ?first
    ?who   foaf:surname   ?last

The server gives back all the combinations of first and last name for (probably 1, modula some problems spelling Joe
Lambda's name). The federator of the query drops these results into
the bindings table, eliminating or duplicating rows when the number of
results is not 1:

    date      email
    ...       ...


    date      email                   first   last
    20040311  Joe     Lamda
    20040311  Joe     Lambda
    20040309  Bob     Robertson
    ...       ...

This can continue down through as many levels of federator/proxy as
were involved in delivering the query. Every agent involved, including
the client's, has the capacity to *extract* a graph given the query
that it originally say and a set of bindings. This can provide the RDF
analog of relatoinal closure.

The extracted graph approach may not be ideal -- we may wish the query
protocol to convey actual asserted facts (if it knows them) rather
than constructing an apparent view of the world.  However, this is not
strictly necessary in this use case. Can folks think of use cases
(beyond trust issues where you need to tackle provenance/attribution)
where it is necessary?

> (b) a standard definition of a concise bounded description of a resource
> (c) a standardized means to request the concise bounded description of a
>     specific resource
> >
> >Provenance doesn't look like a requirement to me.
> >Of course I think it's interesting and key to the future.
> >I spend a lot of time researching it and doing advanced
> >development with it. But it doesn't looke like part
> >of the so-called "minimum required to declare victory."
> I agree that provenance should be out of scope for this round.
> Cheers,
> Patrick
> --
> Patrick Stickler
> Nokia, Finland


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