RE: Agenda: RDF Data Access WG telcon 25May

> 4. Requirements
> Have any proposals achieved consensus recently?
> Refine requirements by evaluating designs?

If there is one item we could agree before publishing, I would suggest:

"4.1 Human-friendly Syntax"

As it makes it clear to the audience we intend to produce this as a concrete
output.  At the F2F it had strong support, possibly because of this, it has
had much discussion since.  It would not exclude other syntaxes.


-------- Original Message --------
> From: <>
> Date: 24 May 2004 19:19
> [Sorry this agenda is late; we had some systems troubles today.]
> 1. Convene, take roll, review record, agenda
>  RDF Data Access Working Group
>  Tuesday 2004-05-25 14:30 UTC*
>  Zakim Bridge +1.617.761.6200, conference 7333 ("RDFD")
>  supplementary chat: irc://
> 	log to appear:
> scribe: volunteer, please?
> Roll call: see WG membership at
> PROPOSED: to accept
>  Minutes of RDF DAWG telcon 2004-05-11 for review
>  From: Dave Beckett <>
>  Date: Wed, 12 May 2004 20:42:21 +0100
>  Message-Id: <>
> /0385.html 
> as ammended 12 May 2004 16:39:14 -0500 in
> /0386.html 
> as a true record of our last meeting.
> Next teleconference is scheduled for 2004-06-01 at 14:30UTC.
> scribe volunteer, please?
> misc actions from Amsterdam:
> DanC: inform the TAG of the conflict between sec13.9 of the
> HTTP spec and TAG's recommendation on issue 7 (DONE, but the
> archives aren't working so I don't have a pointer yet.)
> Comments on today's agenda?
> 2. Use Cases & Requirements Draft
>   v 1.89 or better
> ACTION AndyS, DanielK, BryanT: Review UseCases as of
> 2004-05-14 preparing to report to the DAWG at 2004-05-25 telcon.
> "I would be happy to publish this version[1.74] as our
> working document.
> 	Andy"
>  --
> /0414.html 
> PROPOSED: to publish
>   "DAWG Use Cases and Requirements"
>   as a W3C Working Draft
>   (after light editorial fixes agreed by Kendal
>   and DanC|EricP such as spelling out DAWG in
>   the title, plus elaborated
>   Status Of This Document and any other changes
>   required by W3C publishing rules).
> 3. Additional Use Cases
> ACTION DaveB: write up this educational metadata UC
> 4. Requirements
> Have any proposals achieved consensus recently?
> Refine requirements by evaluating designs?
> 5. Test materials
> ACTION SteveH: to draft and maintain a list of test sketch
> cases, including x < y, x < 18.
> *
>       [      tlt:localTime  (
>             "Brussels"
>             "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
>                      (
>             "Chicago"
>             "Tue 9:30 AM"  ),
>                      (
>             "Helsinki"
>             "Tue 5:30 PM"  ),
>                      (
>             "London"
>             "Tue 3:30 PM"  ),
>                      (
>             "New York"
>             "Tue 10:30 AM"  ),
>                      (
>             "Paris"
>             "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
>                      (
>             "Rome"
>             "Tue 4:30 PM"  ),
>                      (
>             "Tokyo"
>             "Tue 11:30 PM"  ),
>                      (
>             "Vancouver"
>             "Tue 7:30 AM"  );
>              tlt:startTimePage
> <
             cal:dtstart  [
                 cal:dateTime "2004-05-25T14:30Z" ] ].

Dan Connolly, W3C

Received on Monday, 24 May 2004 15:18:17 UTC