Typo in SPARQL 1.1 Query spec handling of InlineData

I think the SPARQL 1.1 Query spec §[1] has a typo in its handling of inline data:

> data is formed by forming a solution mapping from the variable in the corresponding position in list of variables (or single variable), omitting a binding if the BindingValue is the word UNDEF.

I believe “BindingValue” was used in an early draft of this document and should be updated to “DataBlockValue”.

I didn’t find this mentioned in the current errata.


[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlTranslateGraphPatterns <https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#sparqlTranslateGraphPatterns>

Received on Saturday, 2 July 2022 18:20:41 UTC