Overly narrow description of EXISTS handling in SPARQL Semantics

In looking at the SPARQL Evaluation Semantics, I found that the text only discusses the use of `substitute` for handling of EXISTS expressions in the context of filters:

> Let μ be the current solution mapping for a filter and P a graph pattern:
> The value exists(P), given D(G) is true if and only if eval(D(G), substitute(P, μ)) is a non-empty sequence.

Since EXISTS expressions can appear elsewhere (e.g. in an OrderBy expression), I think this text is probably too narrowly worded, and an errata item should indicate that substitution handling is meant to occur anywhere an EXISTS pattern is valid.


[1] https://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/#defn_evalExists

Received on Wednesday, 27 January 2021 04:38:23 UTC