Re: A question about regex and compare operator

* xingwanghan <> [2015-12-27 03:47+0800]
> Hi all:
> I wander if regex or compare operator can accept an IRI as its argument according to sparql1.1 specification.

no, but you can always use STR to "cast" it to a literal:

sparql -d 'data:text/turtle,BASE <http://a.example/> <s> <p> <o1>, <o2>.' -e 'SELECT ?o { ?s ?p ?o FILTER (REGEX(STR(?o), "ample/o1$"))}'
| ?o                    |
| <http://a.example/o1> |

vs. without STR:

sparql -d 'data:text/turtle,BASE <http://a.example/> <s> <p> <o1>, <o2>.' -e 'SELECT ?o { ?s ?p ?o FILTER (REGEX(?o, "ample/o1$"))}'
| ?o |

> Thanks
> 来自我的华为手机


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