possible mistake in document http://www.w3.org/TR/sparql11-query/

I hope I'm reaching the right people with this email-adress!
If not, kindly forward this mail to the appropriate adress.

I am currently studying this documentation to learn the SPARQL querying
language, and I think I found an error in the Documentation at
In section "9.2 Examples", under the heading "Inverse Path Sequence", it is
stated that the code

    ?x foaf:knows/^foaf:knows ?y .
    FILTER(?x != ?y)

is equivalent to

    ?x foaf:knows ?gen1 .
    ?gen1 foaf:knows ?y .
    FILTER(?x != ?y)

I assume the second line in the second code snippet should be
"?y foaf:knows ?gen1." instead of "?gen1 foaf:knows ?y."

If I am mistaken, please excuse this email.

Best regards,

Received on Tuesday, 19 March 2013 12:55:30 UTC