Re: SPARQL feature request: xpath function for XMLLiteral

On 21/08/13 01:58, Paul Tyson wrote:
> It is a nuisance to use the SPARQL string functions to fish primitive
> values out of an XMLLiteral RDF term.
> Why not specify an xpath() function for SPARQL, analagous to regex(),
> that takes an XMLLiteral term and an xpath expression, and returns a
> singleton primitive value?
> The behavior could be undefined if the xpath expression returned a
> sequence of values. Static checking could enforce certain restrictions
> on the xpath expression (such as variables or unknown namespace
> prefixes).
> Regards,
> --Paul


What usually happens is that the next working group to work on SPARQL 
will look chartered to look though the comments received on this list 
for feature requests.  Your suggestion would be be picked up then and 
added to the process for deciding what to do.


Received on Wednesday, 21 August 2013 17:13:34 UTC