Re: Turtle parsing - follow up

Apologies, this was destined for the RDF WG.

Paul Gearon

On Thu, Jul 19, 2012 at 11:06 AM, Paul Gearon <> wrote:
> Hi,
> Since Turtle refers to SPARQL using it for TriplesBlock production, I
> went there as a comparison.
> SPARQL Query 4.1.2 "Syntax for Literals" points out that numbers can
> be written directly (without quotes or datatype) as a convenience. The
> text points out that the text remains unchanged, which is supported by
> the example that is provided:
>   1.300, which is the same as "1.300"^^xsd:decimal
> So my presumption that canonicalization may be required appears to be incorrect.
> Of course, any system that parses RDF may choose to canonicalize its
> data. My point is that this is not a test that should be applied to
> the parser.
> Regards,
> Paul Gearon

Received on Thursday, 19 July 2012 15:12:42 UTC