question on sparql query testcases subquery/sq02 and sq03

Dear WG,

could someone please explain to me what the difference is between
testcases subquery/sq02 and subquery/sq03?

Query sq02 is :

select  ?x ?p where {
graph ?g {
{select * where {?x ?p ?g}}

Query sq03 is :

select ?x where {
graph ?g {
  {select ?x where {?x ?p ?g}}

Both queries are tested on the same dataset
Apart from a slightly different projection, both queries are identical.

Yet for some reason sq02 is expected to return only a binding of ?x to
in:c, while sq03 is expected to return bindings of ?x to both in:c and

Could it be that there is a mistake in test case sq03? I would at first
glance expect that both queries should only return bindings of ?x to
in:c, and not in:a.



Received on Monday, 20 February 2012 04:09:10 UTC