Re: BIND semantics (2)

good evening,

On 2012-08-14, at 11:33 , Polleres, Axel wrote:

> Hi james,
> [...]
> Could you please clarify, or, in case you don't expect a formal  
> group response on your mail yourself,
> please indicate this by replying to the list again, that your mail  
> was not understood as a formal comment?

yes, my message was not intended as a formal comment, but rather a  
request to the original author to elaborate on and clarify their  
comment. as such, i expect no formal group response. the response  
from the author has been to the point.

> For general discussions about SPARQL 1.1, please rather use this list:
> Another question: Since you seem to implement SPARQL1.1, would you  
> be interested to submit
> an implementation report to support our spec? Whioch parts of the  
> spec are you currently implementing?
> Thanks,
> Axel
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: james anderson []
>> Sent: Tuesday, 14 August 2012 9:07 AM
>> To: Jeremy Carroll
>> Cc:; Holger Knublauch
>> Subject: Re: BIND semantics (2)
>> good morning, mr carroll;
>> would it be possible for you to add to your note an example
>> dataset and the results you have obtained - or would expect
>> to obtain, for the respective queries.  mr knublauch's
>> original comment expressed a concern which can be understood
>> to have already been addressed by the current specified
>> semantics. examples would help to clarify the concern.
>> to wit, if you look at
>> you will find our
>> interpretation of the specification. you will find there,
>> copies of the queries from your message, edited to correct
>> the projection syntax. all queries return the same binding for ?y.
>> best regards, from berlin,
>> On 2012-08-14, at 07:24 , Jeremy Carroll wrote:
>>> This is a formal last call comment on
>>> following on from my colleague's comment
>>> 2012Aug/0014.html
>>> Do the following sections of the specification contradict
>> each other?
>>> A)
>>> #selectExpressions
>>> "The rules of assignment in SELECT expression are the same as for
>>> assignment in BIND."
>>> B)
>>> #sparqlTranslateBindAssignments
>>> C)
>>> #sparqlSelectExpressions
>>> [Aside: the text in (A) articulates my understanding of the
>> outcome of
>>> the Santa Clara face 2 face, where this topic was discussed]
>> [ ... ]
>> ---
>> james anderson | | |
>> http://

james anderson | | | http://

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 21:51:22 UTC