Re: BIND semantics (2)

> would it be possible for you to add to your note an example dataset

In preparing the answer to this question, I realized I had made a couple 
of minor errors in my queries - the corrected queries are below.
Please adjust my formal comment with the corrected queries.



@prefix rdfs:    <> .
<> rdfs:label "Been Teen" .


Results 1 - for all four queries using e.g. jena 2.7.2
- and for queries b) c) d) using jena 2.7.3

<sparql xmlns="">
     <variable name="x"/>
     <variable name="y"/>
       <binding name="x">
       <binding name="y">
         <literal>Been Teen</literal>

Results 2:

- for query a) using jena 2.7.3
<sparql xmlns="">
     <variable name="x"/>
     <variable name="y"/>
       <binding name="x">

our understanding is that the Jena 2.7.3 behavior more accurately 
reflects the current LC draft, and is, in our view, undesirable - hence 
our comment on the specification.

Query a)

PREFIX  rdfs: <>
SELECT ?x ?y
    GRAPH <> {
           ?x rdfs:label ?label .
    BIND (?label AS ?y) .

Query b)

PREFIX  rdfs: <>
SELECT ?x ?y
     GRAPH <> {
         ?x rdfs:label ?label .
         BIND (?label AS ?y) .
     } .

Query c)

PREFIX  rdfs: <>
SELECT ?x ?y
    SELECT ?x (?label AS ?y)
    WHERE {
       GRAPH <> {
           ?x rdfs:label ?label .

Query d)
PREFIX  rdfs: <>
SELECT ?x ?y
    GRAPH <> {
        SELECT ?x (?label AS ?y)
        WHERE {
           ?x rdfs:label ?label .

Received on Tuesday, 14 August 2012 16:52:58 UTC