Re: Question about grammar rule [79]

On 04/04/12 18:49, Serena Pallecchi wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm Serena, a student of computer science at the university of Pisa.
> I'm studying the SPARQL 1.1 grammar and I was wondering if the rule
> [79] PropertyListPath :: = PropertyListNotEmpty?
> is correct or if it should be replaced with:
> [79] PropertyListPath :: = PropertyListNotEmptyPath?
> thanks
> Serena


Thank you for the comment - you are correct, the published grammar does 
indeed contain an error.  The editors working draft has the following:

[79]  PropertyListPath  ::=  PropertyListPathNotEmpty?


Received on Saturday, 7 April 2012 14:02:03 UTC