SPARQL WG Soliciting Early Reviews of Working Drafts

(Apologies for posting to multiple groups.)

The SPARQL Working Group is still working on all of our specifications. 
None are yet at Last Call, though we feel our designs are quite stable 
and we're hoping to reach Last Call within a few months. Standard W3C 
process encourages interested community members to review Working Drafts 
as they're produced, but especially encourages reviews of Last Call drafts.

While we will of course do this (solicit as widespread review of our 
Last Call drafts as possible), I'd like to put out a call for reviews of 
our current set of Working Drafts. If you can only do one review, you're 
probably best off waiting for Last Call; but if you have the inclination 
and time, it would be great to receive reviews of our current set of 
Working Drafts at our comments list at 
The Working Group has committed to responding formally to all comments 
received from hereon out.

For a list of our current Working Drafts along with some specific areas 
in which the group would appreciate feedback (general reviews are always 
most welcome), please see:

On Behalf of the SPARQL WG

Received on Thursday, 1 July 2010 19:05:21 UTC