xproc rdf steps

Please consider defining standard XProc steps for RDF processing.  This 
would facilitate processes that integrate XML and RDF processing.

Here is a suggested starter set.

<!-- rewrite RDF input in specified output serialization syntax -->
<!-- allow input from external source -->
<!-- output to port as RDF/XML, or to external sink in some other
      notation -->
<!-- could be static error if implementation doesn't handle specified
      notation -->

<!-- run sparql query against zero or more input RDF graphs -->
<!-- allow in-line definition of sparql query -->
<!-- output stream to be RDF/XML or sparql results XML -->
<!-- specify sparql version -->

<!-- emit RDF/XML from RDFa markup in XML input -->
<!-- specify version of RDFa to glean -->

<!-- apply GRDDL transformation to input, emit RDF/XML -->
<!-- allow xproc to specify grddl:transformation list to append to
      or replace transformations specified in source -->
<!-- specify version of GRDDL to use -->

<!-- parse RDF input and emit error stream and status -->

The XML Processing Model working group considered [1] and rejected [2] 
this work item for XProc v1.0.

Thank you,
--Paul Tyson


Received on Thursday, 5 March 2009 01:33:48 UTC