[Query-errata] example list contains one wrong example

In http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/#modOrderBy
sec. 9.1

it says:

"A  plain  literal is lower than an RDF literal with type xsd:string of the same
lexical form." -> so order is defined

But the next line goes on:

"SPARQL  does  not define a total ordering of all possible RDF terms. Here are a
few examples of pairs of terms for which the relative order is undefined:"

and this list of examples includes (3rd item):
  "a" and "a"^^xsd:string (a simple literal and an xsd:string)

So there is a contradiction in the example with the spec:
Is order between (plain literal, literal with type xsd:string) defined or not?

I guess you should remove the 3rd item from the examples.

Kind Regards,
       Max Völkel
       voelkel@fzi.de | www.Xam.de
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Received on Friday, 25 January 2008 09:59:41 UTC