Re: issue with test filter-scope-1

Francis McCabe wrote:
> I am having some trouble reconciling this test with the spec, the 
> reported results of the query.
> The test reads:
> FILTERs in an OPTIONAL do not extend to variables bound outside of the 
> LeftJoin(...) operation
> however, the spec reads
> Query variables in SPARQL queries have global scope; use of a given 
> variable name anywhere in a query identifies the same variable.

Hi Frank,

These two bits of text are compatible. The second piece of text 
indicates that anywhere that the lexical token ?v appears in a query 
refers to the same variable. The first piece of text indicates that a 
FILTER clause in an OPTIONAL only filters solutions with respect to the 
LeftJoin(...) algebra expression in which it appears.

More on this specific example:

> The reported results of the test:
> PREFIX :    <http://example/>
> {
>     :x :p ?v .
>     { :x :q ?w
>       OPTIONAL {  :x :p ?v2 FILTER(?v = 1) }
>     }
> }
> include the results
> v w

To simplify, note that the results of this test are every possible pair 
of values for ?v (objects of :p) and ?w (objects of :q).

> (My formatting, the XML is illegible by mortals)


> However, I think that the test is wrong: v2 should be v. On my budding 
> implementation, I get the above results only if I change v2 to v. If I 
> don't, I get:

I believe the test is correct. Here's what happens:

After following the algorithm in #convertGraphPattern, the above query 
corresponds to this algebra expression:

Join(BGP(:x :p ?v), LeftJoin(BGP(:x :q ?w), BGP(:x :p ?v2), ?v = 1)

The filter (?v = 1) is tied to the LeftJoin. Of course, all of the 
solutions to Join(BGP(:x :q ?w), BGP(:x :p ?v2)) fail that filter since 
none of the solutions bind ?v. Therefore, the filter on the LeftJoin 
rejects all of the "extended" solutions (the solutions composed from 
both the left-hand and right-hand sides of the OPTIONAL). That means 
that the solutions to the LeftJoin(...) are just the solutions of the 
left-hand side:

?w    ?v2
1   unbound
2   unbound
3   unbound

The solutions to the other BGP are straightforward


...and the conjunction of those two result sets are the results as given 
in the test suite (the XML result format omits unbound variables)

I hope this is helpful.


> v v2 w
> (4, (null), 3)
> (4, (null), 2)
> (4, (null), 1)
> (3, (null), 3)
> (3, (null), 2)
> (3, (null), 1)
> (2, (null), 3)
> (2, (null), 2)
> (2, (null), 1)
> (1, 4, 3)
> (1, 3, 3)
> (1, 2, 3)
> (1, 1, 3)
> (1, 4, 2)
> (1, 3, 2)
> (1, 2, 2)
> (1, 1, 2)
> (1, 4, 1)
> (1, 3, 1)
> (1, 2, 1)
> (1, 1, 1)
> Note that optional implies that there will be solutions that do not bind 
> v2.
> I would appreciate clarification on this matter.
> Frank

Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 20:09:26 UTC