Typos in SPARQL 2007-06-14

  11.6 Extensible Value Testing
the first paragraph says
  "An extension function takes some number of RDF terms as arguments and
   returns an RDF term."
but the examples don't have *RDFterm* arguments or return values; the
arguments are all *numeric* and the return values are xsd types.  Those
are not RDF Terms.

In the second example, the return value of xsd:boolean is probably
wrong, given it's used in as a distance and compared to < 10.
A < B for A:boolean and B:integer will be evaluated as a numeric
so that's 0<10 or 1<10.  Probably the return value should be xsd:integer?

So I would have expected:
 RDFTerm aGeo:distance (RDFTerm x1, RDFTerm y1, RDFTerm x2, RDFTerm y2)

Also, is this a normative reference?
$ lynx -dump http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-sparql-query/|grep -i wikipedia.org
 752. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Multiset



Received on Thursday, 25 October 2007 05:58:07 UTC