SPARQL Feedback: Support for Prefixed Names allowing Leading Digits

I wish to express in the strongest terms my support for maintaining the policy
to allow leading digits in prefixed names.

I work in bioinformatics, where nearly every useful existing ontology is 
referenced by a numeric ID, and there are many of them (NCBI Taxonomy, 
NCBI Global Sequence Identifiers, Pubmed Publication IDs, and Gene 
Ontology IDs are several huge sets that come to immediate mind). The  If 
I have to use full URIs for the SPARQL query identifiers, the queries 
rapidly become unreadable. In addition, biologists have already gotten 
in the habit of writing most of the IDs in the prefixed fashion (e.g. 
GO:0000123), so it would take extra effort to retrain.
Thank you,

Alexander Richter
Bioinformatics Engineer
J.C. Venter Institute

Received on Wednesday, 27 June 2007 18:07:10 UTC