rdf:li & rdfs:member

RDF provides the rdf:li syntax that generates rdf:_1 ... rdf:_n 
properties for describing  containers elements. What is the status of 
rdf:li in SPARQL ?

What does this query mean  :

select * where {
    ?s rdf:type rdf:Sequence
    ?s rdf:li ?v1
    ?s rdf:li ?v2

In addition, what is the status of  rdfs:member in SPARQL ?
Does it match the rdf:_n properties in the target graph ? Hence, does 
this query return the values of the sequence :

select * where {
    ?s rdf:type rdf:Sequence
    ?s rdfs:member ?v


Received on Tuesday, 5 June 2007 09:46:05 UTC