Ambiguity for Literal order in SPARQL



The SPARQL specification is quite ambiguous on the sorting for literals.
The specification mentioned in section 10.1.1. ORDER BY,  the following
order criteria.


1.	(Lowest) no value assigned to the variable or expression in this
2.	Blank nodes
3.	IRIs
4.	RDF literals
5.	A plain literal is lower than an RDF literal with type xsd:string of
the same lexical form.

I like to get more clarification about the order of plain literal with
language as well as typed literal. I know that ARQ is handling this case,
but I like to see this formalized in the specs to ensure that ordering
remains consistent between implementations.  Thanks in advance


Best regards


Stephane Fellah

KnowledgeSmarts Architect 

Image Matters LLC




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