SPARQL rdf:type predeclared?

Some clarification may help...

With reference to:

2.8.4 rdf:type

The keyword "a" can be used as a predicate in a triple pattern and is an
alternative for the IRI rdf:type which is

and the example in the same section:
  ?x    rdf:type  :Class1 .
  _:b0  rdf:type  :appClass .
  _:b0  :p        "v" .

It's not entirely obvious whether the name rdf:type is predeclared, or if this
is used must the query also define the rdf: prefix?  On balance, I think
rdf:type cannot be used without first defining the rdf: prefix -- could this be
made clearer?

(BTW, I think Jena/ARQ may accept rdf:type without a prefix declaration, but
don't have firm evidence of this.)

Also, I would assume that the keyword "a" can be used without declaring the rdf:


Graham Klyne
For email:

Received on Wednesday, 13 September 2006 14:55:46 UTC