Trivial errors in the SPARQL query spec

2.8.2 "Note that both the triple patterns involving foaf:nick will
need to match, not that one of the other should match."
should read "one or the other".

Sections 2.7 and 2.8.3, compare the TOC and the document. The section
headings are clearly inverted in one or the other place. I'm not sure which.

Section 2.7 "There is no relation between using _:a in the results and 
any blank node label in the data graph."

No blank node labelled "a" appears in the example result sets. Perhaps

"There is no relation between labels in the data graph and labels in the 
results. a, b, c, d, r, and s are all examples of valid labels for any 
of _:a or _:b in the graph shown."

I did say trivial :-)


Received on Monday, 8 May 2006 21:43:32 UTC