Re: SPARQL: External storage of queries (issues#queryMimeType) [OK?]

Regarding your comment of 13 Jul 2004
Considering that queries likely get rather lengthy due to long URIs
and such, I would certainly favour the possibility of externally stored
queries and would thus propose it as a use case which then motivates a
Requirement to register a new MIME type for the query language and
unless the syntax is XML-based to sort out character encoding issues.

For the latter I would then encourage the Working Group to avoid
allowing any other character encoding than UTF-8 just like Notation3
did so far, with the exception that I would further encourage you to
allow such a document to start with a byte order mark.

As I mentioned earlier, we added an issue to our issues list

We added a media type section to the query language document...

As of v 1.474, the WG decided it addresses the issue.

Please let us know if this addresses your comment to your satisfaction.

Dan Connolly, W3C
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Received on Monday, 5 September 2005 14:56:38 UTC