SPARQL Protocol possible schema tweaks (sparql-protocol-types.xsd)

Hi everyone,

Looking over the XML schema referenced in the May 27 working 
draft of the protocol specification, I had a couple  of (very) small 

1) The text of the specification indicates that an RDF Dataset 
must contain one default graph, whereas the rdf-dataset element 
(and accompanying inline documentation) makes the default
graph optional. I *think* the latter is intended to be the case, in
which case the text should be updated to reflect this.

1b) In answer to the parenthetical question "can there be zero
datasets?", I'd guess that at this point in time the answer to
this question is "yes", given the decision to allow graphs to
be specified either as datasets in the protocol or via FROM 
and FROM NAMED in the query itself?

2) Unless I'm mistaken, I believe that the minOccurs="0" on the
vbr:sparql and rdf:RDF elements within the choice group of the
query-result element mean that it is valid for a query response to have 
an empty query-result element. Is this purposeful? It doesn't seem to
fit with the text of the specification ("either one or the other of two 
further elements"), and I'm not sure what it would mean semantically,


Lee Feigenbaum
IBM Staff Software Engineer - Advanced Technology Group

Received on Monday, 6 June 2005 13:30:04 UTC