SPARQL Results format

I rather liked the December draft of the Variable Binding Results XML 
(, and am 
sorry to see that the latest draft is considerably more verbose and 
less RDF-like.  In thinking about how to make it more RDF-like, I came 
up with the following counterpart to the example <output.xml>:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<qr:ResultSet rdf:about=""

   <qr:variables rdf:parseType="Collection">
     <qr:Variable rdf:ID="x"/>
     <qr:Variable rdf:ID="hpage"/>
     <qr:Variable rdf:ID="name"/>
     <qr:Variable rdf:ID="mbox"/>
     <qr:Variable rdf:ID="age"/>
     <qr:Variable rdf:ID="blurb"/>
     <qr:Variable rdf:ID="friend"/>

   <qr:results rdf:parseType="Collection">

	<x rdf:nodeID="r1"/>
	<hpage rdf:resource=""/>
xmlns="">My name is 
	<friend rdf:nodeID="r2"/>

	<x rdf:nodeID="r2"/>
	<hpage rdf:resource=""/>
	<name xml:lang="en">Bob</name>
	<mbox rdf:resource=""/>
	<age rdf:datatype="">30</age>
	<friend rdf:nodeID="r1"/>



Note that by using RDF/XML syntax to indicate types, I have made this 
same XML file also parse as RDF.  If translated into N3, it would look 

@prefix qr:	<> .
@prefix rdf:	<> .

<> a qr:ResultSet ;
     qr:variables (:x :hpage :name :mbox :age :blurb :friend) ;
     qr:results (
	[a qr:Result ;
	 :x _:r1 ;
	 :hpage <> ;
	 :name "Alice" ;
	 :mbox "" ;
	 :blurb "<p xmlns=\"\">My name is 
<em>Alice</em></p>"^^rdf:XMLLiteral ;
	 :friend _:r2 ]

	[a qr:Result ;
	 :x _r2 ;
	 :hpage <> ;
	 :name "Bob"@en ;
	 :mbox <> ;
	 :age 30 ;
	 :friend _:r1 ]
     ) .

:x a qr:Variable .
:hpage a qr:Variable .
:name a qr:Variable .
:mbox a qr:Variable .
:age a qr:Variable .
:blurb a qr:Variable .
:friend a qr:Variable .

An RDF Schema for <> would look something 

@prefix qr: <> .
@prefix rdf:        <> .
@prefix rdfs:	    <> .

qr:ResultSet a rdfs:Class .
qr:variables a rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain qr:ResultSet ;
	rdfs:range rdf:List .
qr:results a rdf:Property ;
	rdfs:domain qr:ResultSet ;
	rdfs:range rdf:List .
qr:Variable rdfs:subClassOf rdf:Property .
qr:Result a rdfs:Class .

Received on Tuesday, 5 July 2005 18:24:05 UTC