Access to date and time information

Dear RDF Data Access Working Group, seems to
motivate a requirement that is not listed in the draft. At some point
in the process, the software needs to know the current date and time
for example to avoid to schedule the recording of outdated items, or
it needs to know how to group dates to weeks in order to present the
index page for each week's recorded items.

Another use case here would be a software program to remind working
groups of the "Heartbeat" Requirement using TR Automation [2]; a query
language could enable a query for all the technical reports not in an
end state that are older than 2 1/2 month, or all groups that published
a technical report that is not in an end state, that have not published
an update of one of those drafts for 2 1/2 months.

Hmm, this also motivates Requirement 3.7, "Limited Datatype Support";
since there is so far only one use case that motiviates datatype
support, it might be good to add this motivation to the Monitoring News
Events use case.


Received on Tuesday, 13 July 2004 00:42:19 UTC