Re: Proposed fixed version of N-Triples Section 7

> On Jun 29, 2017, at 6:02 AM, Wouter Beek <> wrote:
> Hi Dan, others,
> On Thu, Jun 29, 2017 at 2:41 PM, Dan Brickley <> wrote:
>> It would be good to have some testcases annotated as being unchanged,
>> previously-ok-now-illegal, previously-illegal-now-ok, etc.
> In addition to more test cases, it would also be nice if the status of
> some of the existing test cases could be further clarified.  For
> example, the test case that checks for parser conformance in case
> there are no whitespaces between the subject, predicate and object
> term of an N-Triple was of type `rdft:Proposed', which means "a test
> is proposed, but not approved.”

RDF Tests are now managed at <>. The test marked rdft:Approved were approved by the RDF WG, anything new that’s been added by the CG is marked rdft:Proposed, to be considered by some future WG, as has been the practice of the RDF Tests CG. We could, of course, break with this and have a CG vote to approve all proposed tests after some period of time.

> The "proposed" status may be a reason why some state-of-the-art parser
> do not pass this test.

I’m not aware of processors that don’t parse these tests. I’m also not aware of any previously-ok-now-illegal tests based on our discussion.

PRs are always welcome for newly proposed tests.


> ---
> Best regards,
> Wouter Beek.
> Email:
> WWW:
> Tel: +31647674624

Received on Friday, 30 June 2017 20:51:30 UTC