Re: RDF's relative IRI resolution is ambiguous

* Ruben Verborgh <> [2015-08-27 17:19+0200]
> > when implementing I understood "the basic algorithm” to be a *description* of what I would find in 5.2, not a named algorithm contained somewhere within section 5.2.
> That could indeed be the case.
> For me, the most confusing part in "using only the basic algorithm in section 5.2"
> is the word "only": we should do "only" that as opposed to also doing what else?

The algorithm in <>
references a function to remove_dot_segments
<>. The "only" text
(first written in SPARQL 1.0) was intended to say that the only
permissible normalization was that described in 5.2. Don't go case
folding, appending default port nunbers, unescaping unnecessary
%-encoded sequences, or any of the other desperate measures described
in section 6.  Normalization and Comparison.

> Best,
> Ruben


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