RDF 1.1 Semantics: completeness for lang-tag variants


In the RDF 1.1 Semantics document, in "A. Entailment Rules", the 
following completeness result is given:

If S is RDF (RDFS) consistent, then S RDF entails (RDFS entails) E just 
when the generalized RDF (RDFS) closure of S towards E simply entails E.

But I'm not sure what part of the entailment procedure deals with the 
case insensitivity of language tags or optionality of xsd:string.

For example, let S be:

	ex:a ex:b "c"@en-US .

and let E be:

	_:a ex:b "c"@en-us .

If I'm correct, S RDF(S) entails E. But I cannot see how either the 
generalized RDF(S) closure or simple entailment cover this.

Likewise what happens if S is:
	ex:a ex:b "c"^^xsd:string .

and E is something like:

	_:a ex:b "c" .

I likewise cannot see how this case is covered?

Is a canonicalisation step not needed somewhere to lower-case all 
language tags and add xsd:string to all "plain literals" in S and E?


Received on Thursday, 25 September 2014 22:30:55 UTC