[RESOLVED] Re: Please remove HTML5 as a normative reference for Turtle 2013

On 11/2/13 10:34 AM, Eric Prud'hommeaux wrote:
> * Dave Beckett <dave@dajobe.org> [2013-02-22 07:02-0800]
>> http://www.w3.org/TR/2013/CR-turtle-20130219/#in-html
>> is non-normative and the only place that refers to HTML5.  So the reference
>> should be informative.
>> Turtle should NOT depend on understanding HTML5 !
> Entertainly enough, the prob was a "!" before "HTML5" in the ReSpec reference:
>   ([[!HTML5]])
> Now that it's
>   ([[HTML5]])
> , saving it as HTML reveals it as an informative reference.
> Tx for the pointer. I think this issue is resolved. If you agree,
> please reply with the subject prefixed by "[RESOLVED]".
>> Dave



Received on Saturday, 2 November 2013 19:15:17 UTC