Re: I18N-ISSUE-193: define when escapes are evaluated [TURTLE]

On Fri, Sep 7, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Internationalization Core Working
Group Issue Tracker <> wrote:
> I18N-ISSUE-193: define when escapes are evaluated [TURTLE]
> Raised by: Norbert Lindenberg
> On product: TURTLE
> Section 6.4, both forms of Unicode escape sequence: The spec doesn't say at what stage the escape sequences are converted to their corresponding characters. Can \u0022 start or end a string literal (as it does in, for example, Java)?

No. Escape sequences occur inside literals. There is a table in 6.4
showing when they can be used. The normative processing requirements
for when things are escaped are expressed in 7.2 RDF Term Constructors
for example:

STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE  lexical form The characters between the
outermost "'"s are unescaped¹ to form the unicode string of a lexical

and the footnote to that table:

¹ section 6.4 Escape Sequences defines a mapping from escaped unicode
strings to unicode strings. The following lexical tokens are unescaped
to produce unicode strings: IRIREF, STRING_LITERAL_SINGLE_QUOTE,

Perhaps some additional language could be used in the 6.4 section
introducing escapes rather then relying on interpretation of the

> Appendix B implies that escapes are replaced with their character equivalents before document processing, but it doesn't appear to say that explicitly anywhere.

Appendix B may not be clear enough in it's Encoding considerations:
section. It may also simply be using old language. Thanks!


Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 16:35:17 UTC