I18N-ISSUE-187: escape syntax [TURTLE]

I18N-ISSUE-187: escape syntax [TURTLE]


Raised by: Addison Phillips
On product: TURTLE

Section 6.4. The \u (lowercase u) syntax allows:

A Unicode codepoint in the range U+0 to U+FFFF inclusive corresponding to the value encoded by the four hexadecimal digits interpreted from most significant to least significant digit.

This is probably wrong, given that the surrogate code points fall into this range. No mention is made of surrogate pair handling.

It's not clear why the \U form should take eight hex digits when the first two are required to be 0.

Also, the trend seems to be going towards the variable-width form "\u{xxxxx}". See, for example: 


Received on Friday, 7 September 2012 15:46:46 UTC