Re: Couple of changes needed in R2RML namespace doc

On Sep 17, 2012, at 24:55 , Boris Villazon-Terrazas wrote:

> Hi Ivan
> I'll be working on this task (apologies for the delay).
> I was using this tool [1] for converting the file to RDFa … I'm not sure if that tools supports RDFa 1.1

AFAIK, it does not.

> Ivan, do you know a RDF2RFa tool RDFa 1.1 compliant?

Unfortunately, no. But do not go out of your way for this. Let us use the RDFa 1.0 output, we just have to be careful to put into the final document the clear 'switches' to make it clear that it is RDFa 1.0 and not RDFa 1.1. It should be XHTML1, and the following DTD should be used:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML+RDFa 1.0//EN" "">

And, to be on the very safe side, let us put the @version attribute into HTML

<html xmlns="" version="XHTML+RDFa 1.0">

Any decent version of an RDFa 1.1 tool should switch to 1.0 using these switches (I know Gregg Kellogg's one does, so does mine:-)


> Apologies if the question is so trivial.
> Thanks!
> Boris
> [1]
> On Jul 30, 2012, at 3:06 PM, Ivan Herman wrote:
>> Indeed, you need Ivan to deploy those, and he is back from holidays:-)
>> I have uploaded the new versions.
>> Boris, at some point, we may want to think of converting the r2rml file to RDFa 1.1, now that it is a Rec. I can do it at some point if you want, just not now; I still have to reduce my pile of emails after the vacations...
>> Ivan
>> On Jul 25, 2012, at 23:55 , Boris Villazon-Terrazas wrote:
>>> Yes, Richard you are right, Ivan needs to deploy those, when he is back from holidays.
>>> On Jul 25, 2012, at 8:03 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
>>>> Boris, Ivan,
>>>> I guess that Ivan needs to deploy those?
>>>> Best,
>>>> Richard
>>>> On 17 Jul 2012, at 00:11, Boris Villazon-Terrazas wrote:
>>>>> Hi Ivan, Richard
>>>>> You can find at [1] a zip file containing
>>>>> - the html file describing the vocab.
>>>>> - the ttl file that contains the vocab in Turtle format
>>>>> - the rdf file that contains the vocab in RDF/XML format
>>>>> Best,
>>>>> Boris
>>>>> [1]
>>>>> On Jul 13, 2012, at 7:43 PM, Richard Cyganiak wrote:
>>>>>> Hi Boris,
>>>>>> A few changes are needed in the R2RML namespace document.
>>>>>> The vocabulary has a property rr:refObjectMap which doesn't exist in the language any more.
>>>>>> The range of rr:objectMap should be the union of rr:ObjectMap and rr:RefObjectMap.
>>>>>> The new class rr:TermMap needs to be added. It is a superclass of rr:SubjectMap, rr:PredicateMap, rr:ObjectMap and rr:GraphMap. Suggested additional triples:
>>>>>> rr:TermMap rdfs:label "Term Map"@en.
>>>>>> rr:TermMap rdfs:comment "A function that generates an RDF term from a logical table row."@en.
>>>>>> I think the current RDFS document can be simplified a bit by using rr:TermMap in a few places where currently the union of the four subclasses is used.
>>>>>> Thanks and all the best,
>>>>>> Richard
>> ----
>> Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
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Ivan Herman, W3C Semantic Web Activity Lead
mobile: +31-641044153

Received on Monday, 17 September 2012 07:51:40 UTC