- From: Nuno Lopes <nuno.lopes@deri.org>
- Date: Mon, 26 Mar 2012 22:36:18 +0100
- To: Boris Villazon-Terrazas <bvillazon@fi.upm.es>
- Cc: Nuno Lopes <nuno.lopes@deri.org>, RDB2RDF WG <public-rdb2rdf-wg@w3.org>
Hi Boris, Thanks for the update. It fixed some of the issues I also found but I still have some (semi-structured) comments below, if something is not clear let me know. I can also send a patch file if you like. * D001 and D002: Wasn't the '/' in the bnode label to be removed? * D009 ** mappedb.nq There are some occurrences of 'http://example.org' which are not in the r2rml file, I think they should be 'http://example.com' ** r2rmla & r2rmlb Should we include the class declaration in the foreignKey : a rr:RefObjectMap; * D011 ** r2rmla There are missing quotes for the following capitalised attributes and relation names: Sport, ID, Description (the * D014 ** mappedb.nq *** The literal "PART TIME" should be "PART_TIME" *** There is a duplicate triple: <http://example.com/emp/7369> <http://example.com/emp#name> "SMITH" . *** I can't seem to find out where does this triple come from: <http://example.com/emp/7369> <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#type> <http://example.com/ns#emp> . ** r2rmlb.ttl *** same comment for rr:RefObjectMap as before. *** {\"deptId\"} needs to be escaped *** Missing quotes around deptId, empURI, empTypeURI, graphURI *** I think rr:column should generate a literal but in the result there are URIs for "jobTypeURI", "empTypeURI" and "empTypeURI" ** r2rmlc.ttl *** same comment for rr:RefObjectMap as before. *** quotes around "deptId", escape \"deptno\", ** r2rmld.ttl *** {\"deptno\"} and {\"deptId\"} need to be escaped *** There is an error, missing "AS" in the SQL query * D016 I was not able to create relations in PostgreSQL nor MySQL. Might be the "BINARY VARYING" but I did not look too much into this issue. * D020 ** create.sql Extra comma after : "Name" VARCHAR(50), * D025 ** directgraph.nt missing data best regards, -- Nuno Lopes On 26 Mar 2012, at 19:36, Boris Villazon-Terrazas wrote: > Hi all > > I've refined some TCs thanks to Juan suggestions. > The repos [1] and document [2] are updated. > > I'll continue working on them this week, and If I have time start working with the TH software > > Boris > > [1] http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/rdb2rdf-tests > [2] http://www.w3.org/2001/sw/rdb2rdf/test-cases/
Received on Monday, 26 March 2012 21:36:48 UTC