TC - Trivial question regarding SQL queries

Hi all

Within an R2RML mapping we have a rr:logicalTable, and within a rr:logicalTable we may have a rr:sqlQuery that contains a valid SQL query.
As Juan already pointed me out, there some TCs that have SQL queries that end up with ";", for example
    a rr:TriplesMap;
	rr:logicalTable [  rr:sqlQuery """
                       SELECT "Code", "Name", "Lan"
                       FROM "Country"
					   WHERE "Lan" = 'EN';
                       """ ] ;
The question is, if it is valid to include the ";" at the end of the SQL queries, or not?, or it is optional?

Thanks in advance


Received on Monday, 5 March 2012 23:38:49 UTC