Re: TC - Delimited identifiers minor question


Yes, you need to include the delimiters also in templates.

If an identifier has been originally created as a delimited identifier (like "NAME" with double quotes), then it *always* has to be referenced as a delimited identifier in R2RML.

If it has been originally created as a simple identifier, then it is *always* referenced without delimiters in R2RML (and is case-insensitive).

(There's one silly SQL-imposed exception: An all-upper-case delimited identifier and an all-upper-case undelimited identifer are considered equivalent. So if you create "NAME", you can reference it in R2RML templates as "{NAME}" or "{\"NAME\"}". Again, this only applies to all-upper-case identifiers.)


On 29 Feb 2012, at 16:51, Boris Villazon-Terrazas wrote:

> Hi all
> I have a trivial question ….
> Let's suppose we have the following DDL
> CREATE TABLE "Student" (
>        "Name" varchar(50)
> );
> and the following R2RML mapping
> @prefix rr: <> .
> @prefix foaf: <> .
> @prefix ex: <> .
> @prefix xsd: <> .
> @base <> .
> <TriplesMap1>
>     a rr:TriplesMap;
>     rr:logicalTable [ rr:tableName "\"Student\""; ] ;
>     rr:subjectMap [ rr:template "{\"Name\"}" ];     <-------------------
>     rr:predicateObjectMap
>     [ 
>       rr:predicateMap [ rr:constant foaf:name ]; 
>       rr:objectMap    [ rr:column "\"Name\"" ]
>     ]
>     .
> The question is if it is necessary to include \"\", for the delimited identifiers, when using the rr:template ?
> Thanks in advance
> Boris

Received on Thursday, 1 March 2012 13:44:45 UTC