Direct Mapping in D2RQ v0.8.1

We've released D2RQ v0.8.1 today, with support for the Direct Mapping as a D2RQ default mapping.

In case you want to play with it, here's what to do:

1. Download D2RQ from , uncompress, and cd into the folder

2. To create an RDF dump from a SQL dump (e.g., from an RDB2RDF test case):

    ./dump-rdf --w3c -l /path/to/create.sql

3. To start a SPARQL server at http://localhost:2020/ over the same SQL dump:

    ./d2r-server --w3c -l /path/to/create.sql

4. To generate a D2RQ mapping for further customization:

    ./generate-mapping --w3c -l /path/to/create.sql -o d2rq-mapping.ttl

5. Now let's move on to using an actual database server. If you want to use a DB other than HSQLDB, MySQL or PostgreSQL, then download a JDBC driver and drop the jar into the lib subdirectory.

6. Here's how to do the same things on an Oracle database:

    ./dump-rdf --w3c -u CYGRI -p password --schemas CYGRI
          -d oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@:1521:orcl
    ./d2r-server --w3c -u CYGRI -p password --schemas CYGRI
          -d oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@:1521:orcl
    ./generate-mapping --w3c -u CYGRI -p password --schemas CYGRI
          -d oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver -o d2rq-mapping.ttl

In the meantime, our R2RML implementation is coming along nicely and will likely be the next release, v0.9.


Received on Friday, 22 June 2012 11:21:21 UTC